Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Well Thanksgiving was all that we hoped it would be...after only a few days in our new site, we were able to assemble in Chisinau for the All Volunteer Conference and Thanksgiving Dinner. I left Stefan Voda by bus ( 3 hour ride) on Wednesday arriving at the hotel to find lots of friends. We had some sessions each day, but still had time to spend together in the evenings. Thursday night came the feast - complete with cranberries, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green been casserole, pumpkin pie, pecan pie all made by volunteers and it was delicious... I wished my stomach had no bottom that day! We had a riveting bird flu seminar on Saturday and departed on Sunday..

Here Anastasia dressed as Poke a Hot Ass poses for a pix with Angela, Chris and I.


A look across the restaurant where 250 were fed and we even had leftovers for sandwiches the next day! In the morning I started thinking about what time it was at home... and that my mom would probably just be putting in the turkey about now...and the kids would arrive....and I started to get very very sad... but I quickly decided to enjoy the moment in front of me and realized that I will only miss ONE more Thanksgiving at "home".

Simira, me Ryan and my site mate, Lee (wearing a wig trying to look like me - ha!) doing the traditional relaxation after dinner... although there was no football on TV!

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