So I boarded the Big white Peace Corps emblazoned SUV and headed to the "spital". After just a few minutes of waiting in the drafty hall of this concrete building with several Moldovan patients, we were whisked to the front of the line and brought into the doctor's office. She examined my ear, determined that it was unecessary to do an audiology test since its already known that I can't hear. She wrote a prescription for some drops and suggested we come back in a few days. We stopped for the prescription on the way back to headquarters and I was told to wait in the Volunteer lounge for a call to insert the drops, however I was never called.
The next morning I was called to be ready to go see another specialist in a different hospital. When I asked why we did not use the drops, I was told that they wanted a second opinion.
So once again we were taken ahead of all of the others waiting in the hall. This doctor was a ENT pediatrician. I was told that he is gentle and capable and that is why our Peace Corps doctors like to go to him. When I met him I liked him. He was older than me (which is tough to do) and he was dressed in a white smock with a paper white chef looking hat. Strapped to his forehead was an old fashioned large stainless steel disk... although he had gray hair, he looked a little like THIS:
He gave me some drops to put in my ear said to come back the next day (this was day10 by the way)... The next day was Friday and he flushed out the ear and I can hear again!!!!... so I ended up staying through the weekend because the"traumatologist" was going to read my foot xray and see me for my foot problem... oh yea.... Haven't mentioned the foot... well it's been bothering me for awhile.. I twisted my ankle a time or two in the secret mudholes of the village back in October... and for a long time before I wore them in, I was walking on the back of my shoe..I think this caused a bit of a stress injury to my tendon and now I am in FIZIO THERAPE !!!! Tomorrow is going to be the last day and it really still isn't better. So I will talk to the medic after my last therapy session... getting ultrasound massage to the top of my right foot every day for 15 minutes. If this doesn't work I'll probably just have to deal with it. It's hell gettin old!
So I have been in the medical facility (which is the nicest place I've been so far!!!) for a grand total of 18 days. I have enjoyed making cream of chicken and rice soup, enchiladas, quesadillas, grilled cheese, popcorn and hot chocolate. Baked banana bread and chocolate chip cookies and have finally gained some weight!!! I've read some great books, started knitting a sweater and enjoyed the other sickies that land there from time to time.
It is actually a good time for this to happen as I'm not in the middle of a project... have said it's a momentum breaker, but then I haven't really gotten too much going with the holidays and training breaks... Looking forward to getting back and re learning Romanian as the only words I've used are "daţi- imi varog" which means "I'll have please"
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