Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Today in our training village we met the Ambassador and other dignitaries from the US Embassy. It was extremely informative and good to understand more about the politcal and economic situation here in Moldova.

I am going to attempt to make Mayfred's chocolate chip oatmeal cookies tonight. I may have a little trouble finding baking powder, but I'm going to give it a shot. It is Andrea's birthday on Thursday and I figured every body would appreciate a chocolate chip cookie since they've never heard of them here. I know I will not find Brown sugar and it will be a trip to the magazine while I go through my list in Romanian. I will need UNT and Frisca Alb and something de copt.... Not to mention the utensils in my family home are probably limited and I KNOW they don't have any PAM! I hope they turn out!

I really don't have anything new to add, so I will try to get some pictures up soon. I am not doing too well with my language acquistion although I've only been here a litte over a week, so I'm not going to worry. It is hard... and my family has no patience with me struggling through every word for conversation.. it is just easier to speak English... but... gotta get in some conversations! Every day is busy - and so far enjoyable. Peace Corps treats us right even got a copy of Newsweek. Hoping I have time to read it, but I have chocolate chip cookies to bake tonight!

write to me at binksink@gmail.com !!!!!

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